Becca Walker

Initial Publication Date: July 18, 2014

Mt. San Antonio College

Becca Walker is a SAGE 2YC local workshop leader and an professor of Earth Sciences at Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC). She co-convened the 2015 workshop ROAD MAPS TO COMPLETION: A Workshop on Curriculum/Transfer Alignment at Pasedena City College and the 2013 workshop Geoscience Careers for Today's 2YC Students at Mt. San Antonio College. Walker recently completed work as a module developer for the InTeGrate project's Climate of Change module. She is currently a co-PI and module developer for the GETSI (GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues) project.

In her essay "Developing Meaningful and Manageable Research Opportunities for Community College Students" Walker describes a nacient undergraduate research program she has begun. Walker also contributed the activities "How to be a field geologist" which she uses to prepare students for their first field experience and "Evaluating the lines of evidence for plate tectonics," an activity in which students compare several lines of evidence that support the ideas of continental drift and plate tectonics. She was one of the leaders at the 2014 On the Cutting Edge workshop on Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences. She has a career profile that describes her career path and employment situation.


Walker teaches Physical Geology, Earth Science, Oceanography, Natural Disasters, Geology of California, and Field Studies. In January-February 2014, she spent 3.5 weeks in Hawai'i with a group of Mt. SAC students teaching Earth science. Her Introduction to oceanography course is described as part of the On The Cutting Edge Oceanography collection and her Field studies, Central California course is part of the InTeGrate Teaching the Methods of Geoscience collection.


Mt. San Antonio College is located in the greater Los Angeles area. It serves over 35,000 students, 53% of whom identify as Latino or Hispanic.