Deron Carter

Initial Publication Date: May 19, 2015

Linn-Benton Community College

Deron Carter is a SAGE 2YC local workshop leader and Physical Sciences Faculty at Linn-Benton Community College. He convened the 2015 workshop Connections: Building a Geoscience Community that Engages and Supports Students at Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, Oregon.

Deron's essay The Role of Majors and Non-majors Geology Courses at a 2-Year College describes the importance of stressing different course outcomes for different student populations.

Deron served as the Pacific NW NAGT's Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Coordinator from 2008-2012, was a community college team-leader for Teachers on the Leading Edge, and a community college representative for the Increasing Diversity in the Earth Sciences program.


Deron teaches courses in Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Astronomy, Oceanography, Principles of Earth Science, and Principles of Chemistry. His G101: Introduction to Geology: Solid Earth course is part of the Teaching Introductory Geoscience Courses in the 21st Century collection.

Professional Interests

Deron's interests include promoting engaging, active learning strategies in introductory geoscience courses. He is interested in innovative ways to support 2YC geoscience majors transferring to university, and how to integrate undergraduate research at the course and program levels.

Deron's geologic interests include the regional geology of the Central Oregon Cascades and the Willamette Valley, fluvial geomorphology, and the impact of outburst flooding on landscape evolution.


Linn-Benton Community College is a two-year college in Albany, Oregon with 3 other centers in Corvallis, Lebanon and Sweet Home. It serves over 5000 students 37% of whom are 25 years old or older.