Workshop Overview

Format and Goals

At the end of the workshop, each institutional team will produce an action plan for enhancing QR programming and assessment on their campuses by the end of 2010. To support institutions in their work developing action plans, the workshop goals are:

  • to deepen understanding of QR's role in general education and in the major
  • to foster an appreciation for QR assessment challenges given its interdisciplinary, contextual nature
  • to provide an introduction to the range of QR assessment tools currently in use
  • to share ideas for developing effective QR programming, professional development, and student support
  • to help build a strong community of institutions seeking to improve QR among students

The workshop will convene in plenary sessions to discuss overarching themes and in smaller break-out sessions to explore the experiences of particular schools or specific issues in QR program design. Institutional teams will also be given time to plan their action plans. You may consult a tentative agenda for more details.


The workshop will begin at 3:00 on October 10 and conclude at 12:00 on October 12. Participants must attend all sessions.

Institutional Teams

Three-five person institutional teams are invited to apply; suggested members of the team include an administrator with budget and/or curriculum development responsibilities and faculty with opportunities to integrate QR initiatives into their courses and programs. Teams should include (if possible) a representative of the QR working group on your campus AND someone with responsibility for the campus-wide writing program.

Application Process

(The workshop is now full.)
  • Applications are to be submitted via the online application form. The workshop is limited to 75 participants, and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until registrations are complete.
  • A letter of support from the president or a senior academic administrator is required. This should be emailed to the PKAL National Office ( This letter is a critical part of the application process, documenting institutional commitment to supporting post-workshop activities of the participating teams.
  • The online application requests information about the current/future state of QR on your campus, as outlined on the online application form referenced below. The information requested in Section I - about current status relative to program, goals, assessment instruments, culture and opportunities/assets) - will be shared with all workshop participants; the information requested in Section II - about the makeup of the team, why this is the right team for your institutions, what issues are of interest to you - will not be shared, but will inform continuing workshop planning.

Teams will be given preference, however individual participants will be accepted as observers, subject to available space. Observers should follow the application procedure outlined above.

Workshop Fees & Cancellation Policy

The application fee for the workshop is $75.00 per person. The fee includes meals and workshop materials. Participants will be invoiced. Project Kaleidoscope accepts payment by check or credit card (Visa or Mastercard only). Participants are responsible for the cost of lodging and travel. Workshop cancellations must be made in writing to Project Kaleidoscope at Full refunds will be provided to those who cancel by 5:00 pm Eastern on Wednesday, October 1. Cancellations received after this date will not receive a refund. Full workshop fees will be charged for "no-shows" (no refunds will be given). Registrations are transferable within an institution.

Meals, Transportation, & Lodging

Meals The workshop fee includes all meals from dinner on October 10 through lunch on October 12.

Transportation All participants or their home institutions must provide transportation to and from the workshop. The workshop will be held in Northfield, MN (35 miles south of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport). Participants must make their own way to Northfield in time for the first workshop event at 3 pm on Friday, October 10.

Lodging Participants are responsible for their lodging. A special rate has been arranged for those reserving rooms through the PKAL office. We will provide more details once you apply for the conference.


Institutional teams will be given pre-workshop assignments, and will be expected to come prepared to develop an agenda for reform on their campus during the coming academic year. All team members will attend the full workshop. Participants also are asked to commit to follow-up activities upon their return to campus. As they are selected, teams will be asked to provide further information about their current situation, goals, and plans for the future.


Please call at 202-232-1300 or write to

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