Meeting Reports

Initial Publication Date: April 27, 2006
  • Is there a problem with quantitative preparation?
    This description of the current state of quantitative preparation of undergraduate geoscience students grew out of a round table discussion where meeting participants identified the places where their programs are succeeding and places where there are challenges in quantitative preparation of undergraduate majors for graduate school (particularly PhDs).
  • Quantitative Competencies
    This report describes quantitative competencies that meeting participants see as essential to success in geoscience graduate programs. The aim was to describe these competencies in sufficient detail that an undergraduate or undergraduate faculty advisor could determine if a student has that competency.
  • Recommendations for Undergraduate Departments and Programs
    Meeting participants developed this list of recommendation for Departments and Programs to help them infuse their curricula with quantitative content. Recommendations range from developing geoscience specific math courses to infusing quantitative content in undergraduate research opportunities.
  • Recommendations for New Resources that are Needed
    Meeting participants also made recommendations for tools, online materials and workshops that are needed to reinforce the importance of quantitative skills in the minds of geoscience faculty and students.