The Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences website has not been significantly updated since 2011. We are preserving the web pages here because they still contain useful ideas and content. But be aware that the site may have out of date information.
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Modeling the carbon cycle of the anthropocene part of Activity Collection
Students use an Excel sheet to complete forward and inverse models of changes in carbon distribution between atmosphere, ocean and the biosphere from 1751 to the present and several centuries into the future. The model is given as a mostly complete package, into which students input emissions data in various sensitivity tests.

An Assessment of Hillslope Stability Using the Factor of Safety part of Activity Collection
In this homework assignment students are asked to consider the balance of forces on a hill slope using the Factor of Safety.

The Changing Geographic Distribution of Malaria with Global Climate Warming part of Activity Collection
In this exercise, students analyze climate data to find areas in the southern United States that are now close to having conditions in which the malaria parasite and its mosquito hosts thrive and then attempt to forecast when areas might become climatically suitable.

Comparing Carbon Calculators part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Data:Examples
Carbon calculators, no matter how well intended as tools to help measure energy footprints, tend to be black boxes and can produce wildly different results, depending on the calculations used to weigh various ...

Glacier (?) National Park part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum/Geology of National Parks module. Students examine data about the disappearing glaciers in the park; after calculating percentage change in the number of glaciers from 1850 to 2000, they interpolate to estimate when Grinnell glacier will be gone.

Chemical Equilibrium Misconceptions part of Teaching Methods:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
This STELLA modeling and writing assignment helps students confront and replace common misconceptions about chemical equilibrium.

Introduction to Microsoft Excel part of Activity Collection
This assignment walks students through the creation of an Excel spreadsheet, step by step. It includes fills, references, formulas, and charts.

Can we know the presence of Global Warming via the Scientific Method part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Data:Examples
Using the Scientific Method, can we know of the existence of Global Warming? Students will research the question: "Does global warming exit" using and summarizing Scholarly Journals.

Vostok Ice Core: Excel (Mac or PC) part of Teaching Methods:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students use Excel to graph and analyze Vostok ice core data (160,000 years of Ice core data from Vostok Station). Data includes ice age, ice depth, carbon dioxide, methane, dust, and deuterium isotope relative abundance.

Kohler Curves part of Activity Collection
An assignment teaching students about Kohler curves that enhances their quantitative skills.