Mark Schmitz


Boise State University

Workshop Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Activities (3)

"ZirChron" Virtual Zircon Analysis App part of Petrology:Teaching Examples
This web-based app is designed to help students evaluate a radioisotopic age and its uncertainty based upon the collection of data, the application of statistics, and the interpretation of geological and analytical ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Radiocarbon dating project part of Rates and Time:Teaching Activities
This is an example of an activity used in a Quaternary Geochronology course, in which a small group of students (3-4) is tasked with transforming a set of activity measurements into radiocarbon ages and calibrated ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

REE Modeling of Melting and Crystallization part of Geochemistry:Activities
This exercise is used in and out of class for exploring the use of trace elements to model melting and crystallization processes; it emphasizes quantitative skills and constructing numerical models.

Course (1)

Evolution of Western North America part of Process of Science:Courses
This course is designed to provide future geoscientists with a basic understanding of how geological processes have shaped the structure and evolution of the western North American continent. The study of the ...

Conference Presentations (2)

Where are Students Developing the Skills and Dispositions Needed for the Geoscience Workforce? part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2024:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday Poster Session
This study aims to identify trends in undergraduate geoscience course instruction and assess its impact on students' development of critical workforce skills and dispositions, with the goal of utilizing these ...

"ZirChron" Virtual Zircon Analysis App part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2016:Program:Teaching Demonstrations:Tuesday B
This application was developed to promote deeper understanding of the science of geochronology, including the integration of crystal-scale relative dating principles with numerical dating via radioisotope ...

Other Contributions (2)

Teaching Geoscience in Laboratory Settings part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2019:Program:Roundtable Discussions
The geosciences utilize a wide array of instrumental and analytical tools and technology to identify, quantify and explore Earth materials, and test hypotheses using their physical and chemical properties. The ...

Quaternary Geochronology part of Rates and Time:Courses
This course is designed to examine the principles and methods of the most widely used numerical dating methodologies for the Quaternary period (roughly the last two million years of Earth history), and how they ...


Workshop Participant (18 workshops)