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Game-Based Learning part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Games
Game-Based Learning uses competitive exercises, either pitting the students against each other or getting them to challenge themselves in order to motivate them to learn better.

Microbiology in Jeopardy part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Games:Examples
This group learning activity involves students in an engaging review of concepts of microbiology. The review is set up as a power point presentation in the style of the "Jeopardy" gameshow where students groups compete against each other to answer review questions.

Living in an Alkaline Environment part of Resources for K-12 Teachers and Students:Living in an Alkaline Environment
Activity Procedure Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1: How different is Mono Lake water from Distilled water? If you want your students to mix their own simulated Mono Lake water, have them do this as Step 1. If you are ...

What Is Game-Based Learning? part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Games
When Is Learning a Game? There are several elements that define an activity as a game (GBL): Competition: the score-keeping element and/or winning conditions which motivate the players and provide an assessment of ...

Living in an Alkaline Environment part of Resources for K-12 Teachers and Students:Living in an Alkaline Environment
Teacher Preparation for Parts 1, 2, and 3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1: How different is Mono Lake water from Distilled water? A. Make simulated Mono Lake water A quart can supply 100-150 students working in pairs. ...

Living in an Alkaline Environment part of Resources for K-12 Teachers and Students:Living in an Alkaline Environment
Living in an Alkaline Environment is a three-part activity that explores the ecology and diversity of life in alkaline environments. It can be downloaded as a Word (Microsoft Word 124kB Apr29 05) document or ...

Why Use Games to Teach? part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Games
"PLAYING SHOULD BE FUN! In our great eagerness to teach our children we studiously look for "educational" toys, games with built-in lessons, books with a "message." Often these ...

What Makes a Good Game? part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Games
"We also often discuss the desire for games to be art-for them to be puzzles with more than one right answer, puzzles that lend themselves to interpretation... both [art and game design] entail posing ...

How to Teach Using Game-Based Learning part of Teaching Methods:Teaching with Games
Traditional "edutainment" is based on limited pedagogical models, and does not take advantage of the games' potential to simulate phenomena, engage the player through story, express ideas ...

Socratic Questioning Examples part of Teaching Methods:Socratic Questioning
Currently there are three examples of Socratic questioning related to microbial life: Are Nanobacteria Alive: Sample Socratic Questions- How small can life be? Check out this activity to host a guided classroom ...

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