Oman Drilling Project Core Analysis GT2A-120Z2
This activity can be used by any class that is working on analyzing data and practicing reading graphs with a key.
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
Students will need observational skills.
Basic skills understanding graphics and using a key would be helpful.
How the activity is situated in the course
This may be used as an introduction, inquiry piece, or as a way to explore evidence.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
Students will analyze data.
Students will determine which substances are found in the sediment core.
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Students will make observations and inferences.
Other skills goals for this activity
Students will develop analytic skills.
Students will better understand how to use a key to analyze graphic data.
Description and Teaching Materials
This activity is housed in Google slides, and will be used in edit mode.
Teaching Notes and Tips
After opening the resource link, go to "file" and "make a copy," to secure a copy of the document that you can edit. Additionally, you can give students the link provided on slide 1, so that they can manipulate the slide.
After completing the activity, students can share out in a class discussion. This activity is intended to help students develop and practice using observational skills and skills related to using a key to analyze graphics.
References and Resources
Learn more about theInternational Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)