« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact: Preparing the Next Generation


Please feel free to create a library of Resources for all participants!! Add your links into this Discussion Board and we will collate into the final reporting.

Here is one from Carol Ormand - "Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend" https://www.nap.edu/catalog/5789/adviser-teacher-role-model-friend-on-being-a...

And another one from Don Haas - Successful STEM Mentoring Initiatives for Underrepresented Students https://styluspub.presswarehouse.com/browse/book/9781620362969/Successful-STE...


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A new funding call from NERC (needs a UK based lead proponent) - it has a very short timescale but maybe is of interest:


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This post was edited by Laura Guertin on Aug, 2021
In addition to the National Academies book Kristen St. John presented on undergraduate research, there is a NAS publication specifically on CUREs (can download a free PDF) - Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum - https://www.nap.edu/catalog/21851/integrating-discovery-based-research-into-t...

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) also has publications and a journal on models of undergraduate research - https://www.cur.org/

This paper published by Beckman and Hensel (2009) on "Making Explicit the Implicit: Defining Undergraduate Research" does an excellent review of the different models of research with students (process vs product, etc.) - https://www.cur.org/download.aspx?id=429


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« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact: Preparing the Next Generation