« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact: Preparing the Next GenerationHow can scientific ocean drilling's professional development be enhanced to develop critical scientific and transdisciplinary skills for educators?
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edittextuser=331893 post_id=47240 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14815
I'm not sure where to put this, but: A lot of the ideas described in the summary from the educator breakout room are about getting the word out about scientific ocean drilling, but what's our real goal here? Is it to increase the number of people who know about ocean drilling? Or is it to get more people to see themselves in the science we do? I ask because these two ways of framing the problem require different solutions...
edittextuser=4453 post_id=47247 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14815
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« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact: Preparing the Next Generation