Initial Publication Date: August 18, 2016

Description of the National Geoscience Faculty Survey Participation and Implications of Consent

As a geoscience faculty member, you are being asked to take part in a survey conducted by the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College and the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT). We received funding from the National Science Foundation for the National Geoscience Faculty Survey (DUE #1125331 and #1022844) through the InTeGrate, and Cutting Edge Programs for Improved Undergraduate Education. On the Cutting Edge is managed by National Association of Geoscience Teachers.

The National Geoscience Faculty Survey has been administered in 2004, 2009, and 2012. The surveys were part of the On the Cutting Edge project and were supported by grants from NSF. Findings from previous surveys were published (Macdonald et al., 2005; Manduca et al., in review) or presented at national meetings (Manduca et al., 2014). The three national surveys that conducted in 2004, 2009, and 2012 investigated three questions that lie at the heart of teaching: 1) what methods are faculty using to teach undergraduate courses, 2) how do faculty learn about the content and methods that they use in their teaching, and 3) how do faculty share with their colleagues what they learn about teaching?

If you complete the survey, you consent to be included in the findings from the survey. These data will be incorporated into our findings in aggregate. The findings collected from this survey will be used to inform the design of professional development activities for geoscience and STEM faculty as well as published in reports and scholarly articles, and presented at professional meetings. Your name will not be identified. There are no foreseeable risks resulting from your participation. There is no compensation for the survey.Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you may quit at any time. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Ellen Iverson, email: eiverson AT chair of the Institutional Review Board, Daniel Groll, can be reached at Carleton College Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: (507) 222-4219,email: at dgroll AT