Retreat Program

Rooms for each session are listed in italics.

Monday, June 3


6:00 pm Dinner (Smith Campus Center 201)

  • Nametags etc. will be available at a registration table at the Smith Campus Center
  • Address one or more of the overarching questions for the meeting (big stickies by the registration table):
    • What do you want from this collaborative? At the institutional level? At the individual/personal level?
    • Reflect on the implications of our institutional differences? What are some assumptions about our differences?
    • What effect, if any, has LCC4 had on what I am doing on campus?

7:00 pm Welcome and Opening Session

  • Welcome to the meeting! - Keri
  • Logistical introduction - Dylan
  • Overview of Meeting goals - Valerie
    • Optimize collaboration, clarify the different expectations from our collaborative
  • Conversation Groups around Institutional Activities - John and Cailin
    • Set of big stickies with categories aligned with big ideas/goals of IE3
    • Each institution/rep puts small stickies onto big ones of things they have done or want to do.
    • Time for conversations in groups around the big stickies and/or spinning off into smaller groups.

Tuesday, June 4


8:00 Breakfast (Smith Campus Center 201)

  • Sign up to give a 'lightning talk' after lunch - John

9:00 Theories of Change 201 (Smith Campus Center 201) - Valerie

10:30 Break

10:45 Learning Team working time (concurrent sessions) (Smith Campus Center 208, 217, 218 - LT 2: 208; LT 3: 217: LT 1: 218)

  • Note the 10 min share back at 4:30 today

12:15 Lunch (Smith Campus Center 201)

1:30 Inter-Institutional Collaborations and Posters (Smith Campus Center 201 and Edmunds Ballroom - posters)

  • Accessing Community Funds for Inter-Institutional Collaborations - Christine
  • Lightning "pitch talks" from people looking for collaborators - "we are doing X and we're looking for someone who is doing Y that we need to round out our collaboration" - John
  • Time to browse posters and talk about possible collaborations

3:15 Break (light refreshments in SCC 201)

3:30 Crafting Institutional Profiles for the LCC4 Website (Smith Campus Center 201) -John and Cailin

  • Intro from SERC - what purpose this serves for your team and the LCC. Mechanics of how to do this.
  • Work in institutional teams to fill in the pages (Breakout in SCC rooms)
  • End sessions with a set of draft profile pages and a plan for completing them with named authors to move it forward

4:30 Learning Team Sharing and Cross-Fertilization (SCC 201) - John / Cailin

  • 10 minutes for each LT - Notes here - private page requires log in
    • Rose-Bud-Thorn from each
    • How can other LCC participants help/contribute data (if applicable)?
    • Mechanisms and processes for coordination
  • Discussion of opportunities for cross-LT collaboration

5:30 reflection

  • Note about logistics and check out for dorm residents

6:00 Dinner (Dean of Students Avis Hinkson's house on 7th & Harvard Avenue)

Evening free time

Wednesday, June 5


8:00 Breakfast (Smith Campus Center 201)

9:00 LCC4-Wide Discussion (Smith Campus Center 201) - LT0

  • Summary of roadcheck - Cailin
  • History of LT0's role as our LCC has evolved
  • A deeper look at Sociocracy, aka Dynamic Governance
  • Discussion:  models for LT0 moving forward
  • Your input: goals for the upcoming year, ideas for the Janelia meeting

10:30 Learning Team working time: What do we want to accomplish over the next year? (SCC 208, 217, 218 - LT 2: 208; LT 3: 217; LT 1: 218)

11:30 Closing business - looking ahead - LT0

  1. What do we want to accomplish together as LCC4 over the next year? 
  2. How should we use LCC-specific time at the Janelia meeting?

Google sheet link:

12:00 Lunch (boxed available) (Smith Campus Center 201)
