Learning Teams
Check out each Learning Team's page to learn about what they are working on.
LT1: Evaluate policies
LT2: Instructor Development
LT3: Sources of Evidence
Current LCC4 policies on Learning Teams:
Each individual member of the LCC can choose to be an active participant, observer, or neither of any of the LTs. Each institution should have a representative be an active member of at least one LT.
Active participants will regularly attend all meetings, contribute to projects, help make decisions that impact the LT, run for leadership, etc. The people who indicate active participation will be the starting roster of the LT. People can join the LT or leave the LT at any point, but for the sake of project continuity that each LT's roster should stay fairly steady for year-long increments.
Through SERCkit, the rest of the LCC can see each LT's workspace and join meetings as observers.
LT Leadership: Each LT will have 2 leaders per year and each leader will be compensated $5000 per year (half paid after ~ 6 months, the other half paid after the full year). The expectation is that the LT Leaders would be facilitators of the LT, not necessarily developing programming for their learning team, but coordinating progress forward. General duties of the LT Leaders would include:
- Coordinating and documenting the work of the LT
- Connecting with LCC4 Leadership Team
- Reports to the community during LCC4 monthly meetings and the LCC4 Annual Retreat
The LCC4 Leadership Team and SERC are ready to provide templates for documenting meetings and creating a framework on SERCkit to organize your work (e.g., the Workspaces linked above). Each LT should generate a "compact" each year in which they briefly describe their focuses of work, who will be responsible for keeping the team on track, indicate team members who will be involved, and plan for contingencies (e.g., in the case that an institution chooses to disengage).