Retreat Program
Rooms for each session are noted in italics below.
Monday June 5
Goal: sharing information with each other to make the collaborative stronger
Travel/Arrival - registration and keys in Nobel near 1412 until 4:45
6:00 pm Dinner (Campus Center - Three Crowns Room)
- Nametags etc. will be available at a registration table in the Three Crowns Room.
7:00 pm Welcome/Ice Breakers/Gallery walk
- Welcome to the meeting! - Greg
- Logistical orientation - Julie
- Fun and social time that is also structured to move us forward - John and Cailin
- Four corners icebreaker.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 42kB Jun5 23)
- Gallery walk
- Transcribed gallery walk slides LCC4 opening gallerywalk boards.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 42.9MB Jun6 23)
8:30 pm Done for the evening
Tuesday June 6
Goal: learning from each other to make the collaborative stronger (what's working, what's not)
8:00 am Breakfast (Campus Center - Cafeteria 3CC Room)
9:00 am Introduction to Theories of Change (Acrobat (PDF) 329kB Jun6 23) - please sit with your institutional team if you have one here. (Nobel Hall - 1412)
- What are theories of change?
- Scales of change: institutional level; change within the LTs/LCC
- Applications/work time
- Theory of Change Template (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 39kB Jun6 23)
10:30 am Break (Nobel Hall South Atrium)
10:45 am Learning Team working time (concurrent sessions) (Nobel Hall - 1412)
Structured discussion prompts and some time for (1) institutional sharing and (2) small-group discussion within the LT
- Learning Team 1 (Nobel Hall - 1413)
- Learning Team 2 (Nobel Hall - 1412)
- Learning Team 3 (Nobel Hall - 1540)
12:15 pm Lunch and discussions. Try to sit with people you have not yet met. (Campus Center - Cafeteria 3CC Room)
1:30 pm Institutional Poster session (Nobel Hall - Third Floor)
Special bonus: The Gustavus corpse flower will very likely be blooming during the poster session, and we will be able to view it in the greenhouse while we are on the third floor of Nobel Hall. Brian O'Brien (Chemistry Department) will be present to answer questions. Fair warning: corpse flowers are so named because they emit an odor very much like rotting flesh while blooming.
3:00 pm Learning Team working time (concurrent sessions)
Continue discussions from earlier in the day. If you are an active member in more than one LT, you can also use this time to catch up with a different LT than the morning session.
- Learning Team 1 (Nobel Hall - 1413)
- Learning Team 2 (Nobel Hall - 1412)
- Learning Team 3 (Nobel Hall - 1540)
4:15 pm Break (Nobel Hall South Atrium)
4:30 pm LCC4 Practices discussion (Nobel Hall - 1412)
A brief reminder of how we got to where we are followed by discussions in LT groups (slides (Acrobat (PDF) 2.1MB Jun7 23)).
Dynamic Governance in the LCC4
- Buck, J., and G. Endenburg. 2010. The creative forces of self-organization. Rotterdam: Sociocratic Center.
- Learning Team 1
- Learning Team 2
- Learning Team 3
5:30 pm LCC4 Annual Reflection - facilitated discussion (Nobel Hall - 1412)
6:00 pm Dinner (Campus Center - Three Crowns Room)
Evening Free Time - Optional activity ideas: walks in arboretum, campus observatory, gym access
Wednesday June 7
Goal: come to a shared understanding of what we want to accomplish over the next year
8:00 am Breakfast (Campus Center - Three Crowns Room)
- There will be a discussion about what kinds of data the LTs want to gather and how to do it during breakfast. (Leadership, LT leaders, evaluation, and SERC staff) (Campus Center - President's Dining Room)
9:00 am Learning Team working time: What do we want to accomplish over the next year?
- Learning Team 1 (Nobel Hall - 1413)
- Learning Team 2 (Nobel Hall - 1412)
- Learning Team 3 (Nobel Hall - 1540)
10:00 am Looking Ahead: where do we want to go from here? - (Virtual access will be provided) (Nobel Hall - 1412)
11:00 am Discussion about 2024 Annual Retreat (where?, when?) - (Virtual access will be provided) (Nobel Hall - 1412)
12:00 pm Lunch (boxed available for those heading to the airport, buffet otherwise) (Campus Center - Three Crowns Room)