Initial Publication Date: July 22, 2022
Pre-workshop Checklist
Before arriving at the workshop:
- Please review the IRIS Code of Conduct.
- Look through the IGUaNA modules. Choose one module to explore in greater depth during the workshop.
- OPTIONAL: if you're interesting in resistivity, install ResIPy on your laptop. This will be available during the workshop computer lab sessions, so you don't have to download it, but it may be helpful. Note: To use ResIPy on a Mac, you will also need to install wine.
- Watch these videos about geophysics and geophysical instruments
- Introduction to Near-Surface Geophysics:
- GPR:
- ERT:
- Seismic Refraction: For those who aren't familiar with seismic refraction, you may want to have a look at part or all of the following educational sequence
- If you have any concerns or questions related to mobility or other accommodations, please contact Danielle Sumy (
- Bring a laptop if at all possible. If you don't have access to a laptop, please let Andy Parsekian ( know before the workshop.
- Consider taking a covid test prior to travel, to minimize the risk that you will unknowingly infect others.
- OPTIONAL: Read the participant list to see who else is coming to the workshop.