Initial Publication Date: June 10, 2016
Focus Group 1: Exploring Employer-Academic Collaborations to Broaden Participation in the Geoscience Workforce
June 24-26, 2015
Topics to be Addressed
1. Current State
- What knowledge, skills, and competencies are needed for graduates to succeed in the geoscience workforce?
- How do employers currently interact with academia in general to shape career preparation (especially soft skills and geologic habits of mind)?
- How do employers currently interface with other stakeholder groups (instructors, administrators, resource providers, geoscience education researchers) to communicate employment trends, needs, and opportunities?
2. Desired State
- How would employers like to interact with MSI/2YCs to shape career preparation?
How would employers like to interface with other stakeholder groups to communicate employment trends, needs, and opportunities?
3. Closing the Gap - Models of Employer-Academic Collaborations
- How might employers collaborate directly with MSI/2YCs to support students' career development?
- What are potential barriers/challenges to collaborative activties, and how can these be overcome?
- What would be needed to sustain new programs, curricula, and resources once developed?
- What incentives exist (or could exist) to foster collaborations between industry/workforce and 2YCs/MSIs?
4. Pulling it Together: A Model for Workforce Support of Geoscience Instruction at MSIs/2YCs
- What is the most feasible model (or models) for how employers can sustainably support geoscience instruction at MSIs/2YCs?
- What next steps are needed to put this model (or models) into practice?