Initial Publication Date: May 2, 2007
Images of Arabidopsis Wild-type and Mutant Plants
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Photo of a wild-type
Arabidopsis inflorescence.
photo courtesy of Heidi Mullen.

Photo of a
apetala1 mutant
Arabidopsis inflorescence.
photo courtesy of Heidi Mullen.

Photo of a
apetala1 cauliflower mutant
Arabidopsis inflorescence.
photo courtesy of Heidi Mullen.

SEM of a wild-type
Arabidopsis inflorescence.The inflorescence meristem is hidden, but if you follow the floral buds from largest to smallest you can identify its approximate location.
photo courtesy of Heidi Mullen.

SEM of an
apetala1 mutant
Arabidopsis inflorescence. As the name implies, petals are missing in this mutant.
photo courtesy of Heidi Mullen.

SEM of an
apetala1 cauliflower mutant
Arabidopsis inflorescence. In the double mutant, the inflorescence meristem produces more inflorescence meristems, not floral meristems. This same iterative branching is seen in broccoli and cauliflower plants.How does this SEM compare with the SEM of a cauliflower inflorescence? Can you identify the numerous inflorescence meristems?
photo courtesy of Heidi Mullen.
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