2006 Workshop Schedule

Initial Publication Date: November 21, 2011

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July 30, 2006

6:00-8:00pm Registration (with light refreshments)

July 31, 2006

7:30-8:15am Continental Breakfast

8:15-8:30am Welcome and Introductions: Gilda Barabino, Richard Buckius, Kathie Olsen

8:30-10:15am Plenary Session: Engineering Faculty in the 21st Century: William Wulf

10:15-10:30am Break

10:30-12:30pm Understanding NSF/NIH: Esin Gulari, Richard Baird, Alfonso Ortega, Rose Wesson

12:30-1:45pm Lunch: Speaker: Lee Snapp

1:45-3:34pm Writing for Researchers: Malcom Andrews, Jennifer West, Laurence Weatherly

Developing work statements, getting published in high impact and other journals.

3:45-4:00pm Break

4:00-6:00pm Grantsmanship: Glenn Schrader and Geoffrey Prentice

6:00-6:30pm Break

6:30-9:30pm Dinner Reception and Keynote Address: Lilia Abron

August 1, 2006

7:30-8:30am Continental Breakfast

8:30-10:15am General Session : View from the Administration: Wes Harris, Alec Gallimore, Michael Spencer

10:15-10:30am Break

10:30-12:30pm Interactive Session: Balancing work and family, leadership and negotiation, self-management: Norma Burgess

12:45-1:45pm Lunch and Keynote Address: Harold Martin

1:45-3:45pm Interactive Session : Connecting Teaching and Research: Donna Qualters, Director, Center for Effective University Teaching (CEUT), Northeastern University

3:45-4:00pm Break

4:00-6:00pm Interactive Session : The Nuts and Bolts of Tenure: Nino Masnari, Kenneth Roberts, Gregory Washington, Rhonda Franklin Drayton

6:00-6:30pm Break

6:30-9:00pm Dinner and Keynote Address: Howard Adams

August 2, 2006

7:30-8:30am Continental Breakfast

8:30-11:30am Scheduled meetings with NSF program officers (1/2 hour blocks)

Concurrent small groups discussions organized around research interests.

11:30-12:30pm Lunch

12:30-1:00pm Program wrap-up