Initial Publication Date: August 12, 2008
To Fish or Not to Fish?
Part A: The ABCs of MPAs
Dry Tortugas National Park, a marine protected area in the southeastern part of the Gulf of Mexico, 30 miles west of the Florida Keys.
Protected areas are extremely important tools for maintaining biodiversity both on land and in the water. As ecosystems continue to be threatened or damagedin large part due to human activity and its effectsprotected areas are vital for safeguarding plant and animal species and the natural resources they and local human communities depend on.
1. Watch this video for an introduction to MPAs.
2. Read the Analysis of U.S. MPAs (Acrobat (PDF) 1MB Jul13 20) to learn the basics of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
Checking In
Answer the following questions to check your understanding of MPA basics.
- What is the official definition of a Marine Protected Area?
An MPA is: "any area of the marine environment that has been reserved by federal, state, tribal, territorial, or local laws or regulations to provide lasting protection for part or all of the natural and cultural resources therein."
- Give some reasons why MPAs are important.
- Can help increase fish biomass inside and outside an MPA.
- Can improve coral health.
- Help conserve natural and cultural heritage and/or support sustainable production of marine resources for future generations to enjoy.
- Act as an "insurance policy" by helping protect marine resources from human impacts.
- Marine protected areas are established at all levels of government. How many of the nation's MPAs are managed by state and territorial governments?
- How many marine protected areas are there in the U.S.?
3. Visit the
U.S. MPA map and click on and off the layers to view the different US Marine Protected Areas. Find a protected area closest to your hometown (even if it's a distance away). Zoom in and click the colored-in zone for more info about the particular MPA. Record the following information:
- Site Name
- Region
- Managing Agency
- Type of Site
- Land and Water Area
4. Click on the name of the site for additional information about the protected region. Write down any interesting additional information you find.
5. Share the information you found with your classmates. Did you all choose the same marine managed area?
6. Download and read the document Definition and Classification System for U.S. Marine Protected Areas (Acrobat (PDF) 442kB Jul16 19).
Checking In
Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the MPA classification system.
- What are the five objective characteristics common to most MPAs?
- Conservation Focus
- Level of Protection
- Permanence of Protection
- Constancy of Protection
- Ecological Scale of Protection
- What are the three main types of conservation focus for MPAs?
- Natural Heritage
- Cultural Heritage
- Sustainable Production
- What are the six levels of protection assigned to MPAs?