EET Workshop Links

On the Day of the Workshop

  • Please make arrangements to be at a relatively quiet telephone connection with access to an Internet connection at the same time.
  • To connect to the teleconference, dial the 1-800 number sent to you in a separate email. When prompted, enter the participant access code, sent to you in that same email.
  • To log-in to the EET Workshops virtual classroom space, click the link below. When prompted to enter your name for the session, please enter your first and last name.

    EET Workshops Classroom
  • To help you get connected on time, both the teleconference number and the virtual classroom space will be open 15 minutes before the workshop begins. Please double check the start time of the workshop for the time zone in which you will be calling. Participants have been dissappointed when they accidentally call into the workshop an hour early or an hour late.

During the Workshop

Here are some links that we will refer to:

Analyzing Plate Motion Using Earthscope GPS Data : 3/31/10

Understanding Carbon Storage in Forests : 2/24/10

Measuring Change in Satellite Images: 1/27/10

From Workshop 3

Here is a library of Michigan GIS data:

From Workshop 2

From Workshop 1

  • Pam Shoemaker's Adaptation of Exploring Regional Differences in Climate Change -

Create an Account in the SERC CMS

This project is hosted by the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College. The Content Mangagement System (CMS) enables us to have online discussions. Before you can engage in an online discussion with your colleagues, you will need to create an account in the SERC CMS.


Michigan Implementation Discussion   Notify me of new posts for all of the discussions below»

id ThreadPosts Most Recent Posting
2623 1270068131 Plate Motion follow-up
Rita Freuder Mar, 2010
1 1270070282
Ardis Herrold Mar, 2010
2626 1270070178 BJP
BJ Pepper Mar, 2010
1 1270071114 Here is the place for informaion about Plate ...
BJ Pepper Mar, 2010
2627 1270070186 Karen Kudla
Karen Kudla Mar, 2010
2628 1270070188 linda peterson
linda peterson Mar, 2010
2629 1270070199 John Sharpe
john sharpe Mar, 2010
2630 1270070203 ann venier
ann venier Mar, 2010
2631 1270070210 Nancy Klein
Nancy Klein Mar, 2010
2 1277666381 This lesson incorporated students using Microsoft ...
Nancy Klein Jun, 2010
2632 1270070293 Andrea Williams
Andrea Williams Mar, 2010
1 1270070301
Andrea Williams Mar, 2010
2633 1270070453 ardis
Ardis Herrold Mar, 2010
3033 1272297688 Pam Shoemaker Climate Change
Pam Shoemaker Apr, 2010
8 1272300653 Implementation sharing template
Pam Shoemaker Apr, 2010
3034 1272300707 Pam Shoemaker Seafloor Spreading
Pam Shoemaker Apr, 2010
2 1272301301 Implementation/Sharing Template
Pam Shoemaker Apr, 2010
3035 1272301502 Pam Shoemaker Earthquakes
Pam Shoemaker Apr, 2010
2 1272301984 Implementation/sharing template
Pam Shoemaker Apr, 2010
3086 1272409598 Dawn Sommers Seafloor spreading
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
1 1272409664 Attached is my implementation document.
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
3087 1272409690 Dawn Sommers Earthquakes
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
1 1272409785 Attached is my implementation and sharing.
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
3089 1272409870 Dawn Sommers Climate Change
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
1 1272409919 Attached is my implementation
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
3093 1272411933 Dawn Sommers Carbon Storage in Forests
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
2 1273020583 Here is the screen shot... sorry about my ...
Dawn Sommers May, 2010
3094 1272412713 Carbon Storage in Forests
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
1 1272412770 This is my implementation.
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
3097 1272414509 Measuring Distance and Area
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
3098 1272414513 Measuring Distance and Area
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
1 1272414578 This is my implementation
Dawn Sommers Apr, 2010
3119 1272482149 Aral Sea
Ardis Herrold Apr, 2010
2 1272482332
Ardis Herrold Apr, 2010
3120 1272482374 Seattle - plate motion
Ardis Herrold Apr, 2010
2 1272482676 Here are screenshots from the activity
Ardis Herrold Apr, 2010
3554 1277132383 Mapping the Ocean Floor
linda peterson Jun, 2010
4 1277133129 The students spent 6 class periods on the ...
linda peterson Jun, 2010

Implementation Survey

Please fill out a survey for each workshop you participated in. If you were at three workshops, then you would fill out the survey 3 times.

Implementation Survey