Pam Shoemaker Climate Change

« Michigan Implementation Discussion

Pam Shoemaker Climate Change  

This post was edited by Pam Shoemaker on Apr, 2010
In this lesson, students will obtain annual predictions for minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation for Michigan and California to explore regional variability. Data will span the years 2000 through 2100. Students analyze data using a spreadsheet application to interpret regional differences in climate change.

There are two online video tutorials I made to help students analyze the huge spreadsheet data and the links are provided on the lesson plan.


Climate Change Lesson Plan (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 25kB Apr26 10)


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There are four files with projected climate data (Michigan and California, annual averages 2000-2100). This is the first file.


Minimum Temps (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 132kB Apr26 10)


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There are four files with projected climate data (Michigan and California, annual averages 2000-2100). This is the second file.


Maximum Temps (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 134kB Apr26 10)


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There are four files with projected climate data (Michigan and California, annual averages 2000-2100). This is the third file.


Precipitation (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 147kB Apr26 10)


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There are four files with projected climate data (Michigan and California, annual averages 2000-2100). This is the fourth file.


Solar Radiation (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 157kB Apr26 10)


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I wrote some data analysis questions for students to complete after they average all four data sets.


Analysis Questions (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 13kB Apr26 10)


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Students create a presentation to share what they’ve learned. Examples may include: poster, public service announcement, podcast, news article, video. This is the assessment rubric.


Rubric (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 44kB Apr26 10)


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Implementation sharing template


Implementation/Sharing Template (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 146kB Apr26 10)


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