Pam Shoemaker Seafloor Spreading

« Michigan Implementation Discussion

Pam Shoemaker Seafloor Spreading  

This post was edited by Sarah Nakamoto on Nov, 2020
Sea floor spreading is a difficult concept for students to understand. GeoMapApp will be used to help students visualize the elevation of the ocean floor and then apply this experience to gain an understanding that there are underground mountain ridges in areas where tectonic plates meet caused by volcanoes.

I created an online video tutorial to help students and teachers use GeoMapApp. See it here:


Ocean Floor Spreading Lesson Plan (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 25kB Apr26 10)
Rubric (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 18kB Apr26 10)


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Implementation/Sharing Template


Implementation/Sharing Template (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 170kB Apr26 10)


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