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Implementation Survey
Last Name:
First Name:
Please enter your primary email address. The address you enter will serve as your unique identifier for workshop registration and payment purposes. Please use the same email address to identify yourself whenever you are prompted to supply it.
Did you use the software analysis tool (i.e. spreadsheet, GIS, etc.) of the EET chapter with your students?
Did you use the dataset of the EET chapter with your students?
Did you use the case study of the EET chapter with your students?
Briefly describe how you used some aspect of the EET chapter with your students. (i.e. What did your students do?)
About how many class periods and/or 50 minute periods of time did you spend implementing some aspect of the EET chapter materials?
More Than Five
Please suggest any overall improvements to the chapter or feedback about specific issues you had with chapter content or techniques.
Since the last seminar, how often did you use the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) to find a teaching resource?
Every day
Twice a week
Once a week
Occasionally (three to four times total)
Seldom (once or twice)
I did not use the library
Since the last seminar, how often did you use the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) to find a teaching resource?
Every day
Twice a week
Once a week
Occasionally (three to four times total)
Seldom (once or twice)
I did not use the library
Estimate how often you think you might access a Web-based scientific dataset or tool in the future and use it with your students?
Every day
Twice a week
Once a week
Occasionally (three to four times total)
Seldom (once or twice)
EET is a professional development tool for teachers. How well do you feel the chapter prepared you to use the featured tool and dataset with students?
Very well
Not at all
Explain why you feel this way.
At this point, how likely are you to use another EET chapter with students?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Marginally likely
Not likely
Explain why you feel this way.
Would you like to be notified of future EET opportunities, such as new seminars?
Yes. Please keep me informed of other EET opportunities.
No thank you. Please do not inform me of other EET opportunities.
Would you like to join a listserv made up of others who have attended EET seminars?
Yes. Sign me up for an EET listserv.
No thank you. Please do not add my email address to an EET listserv.
How do you think an online seminar of this format could be improved?
Additional comments you would like to offer:
Earth Exploration Toolbook
EET Workshops
The EET Workshops Project Team
EET Implementation Information