Part 5—Create an Evacuation Map for Seaside Schools
Step 1 – Locate Possible Evacuation Routes for Seaside Schools
Now that you have investigated tsunami run-up potential and located the town of Seaside, Oregon, you will use your skills to plan an evacuation route for two schools located in the town of Seaside. All schools in coastal Oregon must have evacuation plans in place. What would you recommend to the school administrators in this town? How would you plan for your own family?
- If necessary, re-launch AEJEE and open the project file that you saved in Part 4. The map loads with the layers and selections, shown below.
- Turn on the Seaside Schools layer.
- Turn on and make active the Oregon Highways layer.
- Edit the properties of the Highways layer by accessing the
drop-down Properties menu for that layer; make it black lines that are size 2. - Locate the nearest highway to Seaside, then use the Identify tool
to learn its name. In the event of a 15-meter tsunami, which direction should you travel on this highwayif the highway is even open after an earthquake?
- Turn on the Seaside Topographic map and Seaside Aerial photograph. Zoom in to these layers.
These two layers show other features such as smaller roads, trails and schools. Locate old "Central School" on the topographic map. Turn off the topographic map layer when you are done with it. - Next, make the Seaside Schools layer active. Use the Identify tool
to locate and identify the Broadway Middle School and Seaside High School (both are in near central Seaside). You can also change the legend of the layer to color the dots by "name".
- Add the Tsunami Inundation Area layer to visualize the area that you would need to evacuate in the event of a tsunami.
Step 2 – Map Evacuation Routes and Create an Evacuation Plan to Share

When designing your plan, consider the following:Make notes in a word-processing document or on a separate piece of paper. If possible, include a screen shot or jpeg image of your map. When you have completed your investigation, compare your map for Seaside to an actual evacuation map for nearby Cannon Beach, linked here. Cannon Beach Evacuation Map (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Nov13 10)(in PDF)
- What obstacles will find in your route (i.e. are there rivers to cross)?
- How far can you walk in 20 minutes?
- Where will you gather the students?