Tools and Data
GeoMapApp is a global topography and bathymetry database that is integrated with an application to explore the data. The visualization tool was developed as part of the Marine Geoscience Data Management System. It is a Java™ application that will run on any computer platform with a Java Runtime Environment.
The program supports zooming in and out on maps, scrolling, the ability to "focus" an image for the current view, and to highlight areas of high resolution data on maps. It also supports generation of profiles and contour maps, the ability to customize maps with an interactive palette tool, generate 3D perspective images, select gravity and geoid grids, and save maps and grids.
Tool Builder
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York.
Tool Cost
Tool Help
Online help is available through the GeoMapApp Help Pages.
Data Source 1
GeoMapApp provides a global, multi-resolution digital elevation model. The DEM includes high resolution (~100 m node spacing) topography from multibeam data for ocean areas and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data over land.
Data Source 2
Other data sets accessible through GeoMapApp include seismic reflection profiles, geochemical analyses, seismicity, and shipboard measurements. It is also possible to import your own data and display it on the map as stations or tracks.