Instructor Story (Module Authors/Developers)

Your submission becomes a web page. The information you provide here will be used to create a web page describing how you used EDDIE modules in your course. Please be sure to fill out the entire form and hit "submit" in one sitting.

Please only use this form if you took part in a Project EDDIE module development workshop and authored a module. If you are part of an EDDIE-QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN), please use the FMN story form instead. If you are not a module author nor part of the FMN, please use the General story form instead.

The information on this form will be used in an identifiable self-authored instructor story which will be published to the public website, detailing information about how you implemented Project EDDIE materials in your course and could be used for educational research. Please be sure to fill out the entire form and hit "submit" in one sitting.

Context for Module Implementation

Teaching Details

Student Outcomes


  1. Main Content
  2. Research Questions