References and Resources

Initial Publication Date: September 18, 2018

Resource list originally developed for CTREE 2017 Workshop - Ruder, Simkins, ...

Online Resources | This is the home page of the Team-Based Learning Collaborative. The site offers free basic materials (including a short video overview) for teachers interested in TBL. This site also offers sample TBL modules and other materials behind a modest paywall. | Jim Sibley offers extensive free materials to support teaching with TBL. The link below provides a list of Jim's "suggested readings", both about TBL and teaching more generally.

University of British Columbia (UBC) Portalfor variety of materials related to TBL | Use the drop-down menu to access resources on: What is TBL?, Using Teams Properly, Ensuring Student Readiness, Teams Solving Problems, Making Students Accountable, and IF-AT Scratch Cards

Useful Books - Starting Points for TBL

The following books are key resources and valuable starting points for those interested in team-based learning.

  • Michaelsen, L. K., Knight, A. B., & Fink, L. D. (2002). Team-Based Learning: A Transformative use of Small Groups. Sterling, VA.: Stylus Publishing (sample chapter at tbl more resources site)
  • Sibley, J., & Ostafichuk, P. (2014). Getting Started with Team-Based Learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC. (Chapter 1 included in reading packet.)
  • Sweet, M., & Michaelsen, L. K. (2012). Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC.

TBL in Economics

Useful discussions of how to apply TBL in economics courses.

  • Espey, M. (2011). Team-based learning in economics: A pareto improvement, in Sweet and Michaelsen (2012, see above).
  • Hettler, P. L. (2015). Student demographics and the impact of team-based learning. International Advances in Economic Research, 21, 413-422.
  • Imazeki, J. (2015). Getting students to do economics: An introduction to team-based learning. International Advances in Economic Research, 21, 399-412.

TBL Effectiveness

A "review and synthesis (of) the educational literature with respect to TBL." The authors note "early evidence of positive educational outcomes" and a need for "more rigorous testing" as this teaching practice reaches "an important maturation point."

TBL Application Exercises

Some resources to get you started with this important TBL component

TBL Tools - Some Starting Points

General Teaching Resources Supporting TBL

Active Learning

The Freeman, et al., meta-study provides strong evidence in favor of active learning. Also included below are commentaries by research-based-teaching advocate and Nobel-prize-winning physicist, Carl Wieman.

Wieman, C. E. (2014). Large-scale comparison of science teaching methods sends clear message. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 23, 8319-20.

Useful guides for introducing active learning pedagogy to students

Course Design

These are key sources on backward (beginning with the end in mind) course design.

  • Fink, L. D. (2013) Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
  • A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Effective Learning - a 37-page booklet full of ideas for designing/redesigning your course to promote significant student learning

Design Learning - more resources from Dee Fink on designing significant learning experiences

  • Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition. Alexandria: ASCD.
  • What is Backward Design? Chapter 1 from Wiggins and McTighe.

Evidence-based Teaching Practices

A host of free resources online at the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI) at the University of British Columbia

Recent research on evidence-based teaching strategies, from the National Research Council

A high-quality summary of effective, evidence-based learning strategies - and how to promote them in your courses

Useful all-around introductions to key learning principles and their application in teaching