Hiuko Adams
Initial Publication Date: March 19, 2018
Assistant Professor
hadams17@gsu.eduBackground Information
An educator with diverse university' teaching and research experience in economics, educational leadership & policy, and research. I teach blended, traditional, and online courses in the fields of macroeconomics, microeconomics, business economics, monetary economics, educational research methods, higher educational leadership and policy, and public policy/ finance). Some of my professional experience include: assistant professor at Georgia State University, Perimeter College; economist at the International Monetary Fund; Consultant at African Development Bank; and Policy Analyst at Kenya Institute for Public Policy, Research and Analysis. I have also worked as director for institutional effectiveness and research helping institutions of higher learning with research, assessment, and accreditation.My current research focuses on human capital theory, its implication for investment in education, and the overall effect on social, political, and economic development. Recently started exploring Team-Based Learning as a way of improving learning outcomes for students of economics. As part of this interest, I have applied Flip it learning strategy and looking at using Fred's Econlowdown as part of Flip it. I currently co-chair the Faculty Forum whereby instructors share best classroom teaching practices and research on scholarship of teaching and scholarly teaching. I believe that this forum will be a great platform to share our findings and seek feedback.
Finally, I possess a bias for quantitative research and have experience building research instruments such as questionnaires, surveys, and interviews, and designing research methodologies. I have experience and knowledge of instructional technology, and vast experience in effective online teaching. I hold a doctorate degree in Higher Educational Leadership, Master of Arts degree in Economics, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics (First Class Honors).