Solina Lindahl

Initial Publication Date: January 26, 2018

Senior Lecturer
Orfalea College of Business
Cal Poly State University
1 Grand Ave
San Luis Obispo, CA


Background Information

Solina has been teaching Principles of Economics, Comparative Economic Systems and Poverty & Discrimination since 1995 and is happiest experimenting with new technologies and promising pedagogy. She has worked with the Chancellor's Office of the CSU as the Economics Lead Faculty for the Course Redesign with Technology Program) and with her campus's CTLT (co-leading learning communities for instructors of large classes). She is a certified Zumba instructor and is always looking for good ideas for video tutorials.
She became interested in Team-Based Learning when a colleague from the engineering department sang its praises as a solution to large-course engagement. She has used the full TBL model in a small summer course (Survey of Econ) and is currently using it in her upper-division (Poverty, Discrimination and Immigration) course for the first time. In her large Principles sections she uses elements of TBL and peer instruction with iClickers.