Session III

Initial Publication Date: September 11, 2006

Northern Rockies Geology in Space and Time:
Reflections on the Big Questions of Northern Rockies Geology and how can EarthScope play a role?

Processes that make a continent

thumbnail image of Processes that make a continent
Gene Humphreys, University of Oregon
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 15.5MB Oct24 05)

Mesoproterozoic belt basin: Crustal-scale anomaly in the Northern Rockies

Title slide from the presentation: Mesoproterozoic belt basin: Crustal-scale anomaly in the Northern Rockies
J. W. Sears, University of Montana
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 4.8MB Oct27 05)

Pre-Miocene magmatism in the Northern Rocky Mountains
thumbnail image of a slide from the presentation: Pre-Miocene magmatism in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Reed S. Lewis, Idaho Geological Survey

Arthur A. Bookstrom, U.S. Geological Survey
download PowerPoint Presentation (PowerPoint 5.7MB Oct26 05)

Magmatism of the Snake River Plain and Yellowstone Region: Implications for continental lithospheric evolution above a mantle plume

thumbnail image of Magmatism of the Snake River Plain and Yellowstone Region: Implications for continental lithospheric evolution above a mantle plume
William P. Leeman, National Science Foundation
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 2.3MB Oct24 05)

Influence of structure and composition of basement on mineral deposits across Montana and Idaho

thumbnail of a slide from the talk: Influence of structure and composition of basement on mineral deposits across Montana and Idaho
Lund, Karen, Klein, T.L, O'Neill, J.M., Sims, P.K., U.S. Geological Survey
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 3.3MB Oct26 05)

Laramide and Sevier-style tectonics

thumbnail of a slide from the presentation titled Seveir and Laramide style tectonics in the Northern Rocky Mountains
John Oldow, University of Idaho
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 3MB Oct26 05)

Opportunities for understanding extensional processes in the Northern Rocky Mountains

thumbnail image of a slide in the presentation titled Opportunities for understanding extensional processes in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Susanne U. Janecke, Utah State University
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 5.9MB Oct24 05)

Earthscope from the Montana Regional Seismic Network perspective

thumbnail of a slide from the presentation: Earthscope from the Montana Regional Seismic Network perspective
Michael C. Stickney, Earthquake Studies Office, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 5.9MB Oct26 05)

Integrating undergraduate education and research in the Northern Rockies

thumbnail image of a slide from the presentation: Integrating undergraduate education and research in the Northern Rockies
Robert C. Thomas, Sheila M. Roberts and R. Stephen Mock, Environmental Sciences Department, The University of Montana-Western
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 1.4MB Oct26 05)

Recent Changes in the Rocky Mountains: Neogene Drainage Changes and Biogeography

Paul Karl Link, Idaho State University

A GeoTraverse in the Northern Rockies

thumbnail image from a slide in the presentation: A GeoTraverse in the Northern Rockies
David W. Mogk, Montana State University
Ben A. Van der Pluijm, University of Michigan
Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin - Madison
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 1.8MB Oct24 05)