EarthScope in the Northern Rockies
September 16 - 18, 2005
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
This workshop has already taken place. See the Workshop Program for links to presentations, discussions, and other material from the workshop, and download the workshop report and recommendations (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Dec19 06)
EarthScope in the Northern Rockies! Geodetic instruments from the PBO component of EarthScope are currently being deployed, and the USARRAY transportable seismic network will be here in 2007. Now is the time for all geoscientists working in this area to start making plans to make full use of this amazing scientific observatory. Plan to attend this workshop to learn more about the possibilities presented through the EarthScope project, help define future research questions and priorities, get (re)acquainted with colleagues from across the breadth of geoscience disciplines and make plans for future integrated research, consider how EarthScope outcomes can contribute to geoscience education and outreach programs, and plan to become involved with the EarthScope program.
- fault properties and earthquake processes
- short time/distance deformation
- fluids and magmas in the crust and upper mantle
- convergent margin processes
- large-scale continental deformation
- continental structure and evolution
- deep-Earth structure.
There are many opportunities for scientists and educators to be involved with the EarthScope program. The goal of this workshop was to formulate an integrated research and education agenda to optimize the use of the EarthScope facility, to identify the "big" scientific questions of the region, and to engage the public through a variety of education and outreach activities.
Download a printer-friendly flyer for this workshop (Acrobat (PDF) 887kB Apr27 05).
Who Attended?
Geoscience researchers and educators who are interested in learning about and contributing to the integrated EarthScope research and education program. See the Participant List--~90 geoscientists representing diverse research, industrial, and educational interests from the breadth of geoscience disciplines attended this workshop, contributed their expertise and knowledge, and helped formulate future plans for the EarthScope program.
Workshop Program

The workshop program included an overview of the EarthScope program and its facilities, opportunities to present current and future research directions in oral and poster sessions, and small-group discussion and writing sessions to identify new research and educational initiatives. The workshop also included two optional one-day field trips. The pre-meeting field trip headed west of Bozeman through Archean basement of Bear Trap Canyon, the modern tectonics and geomorphology of the Madison River Valley, the Jefferson Canyon, the Belt Supergroup (LaHood Formation), and to the margin of the Boulder Batholith. The post-meeting field trip traveled through Gallatin Canyon, through the northwest side of Yellowstone, and back to Bozeman via the Paradise Valley.
The workshop was open to all interested geoscience researchers and educators, but registration was required. There was a nominal registration fee. Partial support for travel to the workshop was available through the grant from the National Science Foundation. Contact David Mogk ( for details.
Workshop Conveners
The principal investigators on the grant from NSF are Paul Mueller, David Foster (University of Florida) and David Mogk (Montana State University).The EarthScope in the Northern Rockies workshop is funded by grants from the National Science Foundation to Montana State University (NSF-0345708) and the University of Florida (EAR-0346182)