Session II
Examples of Integrated Geophysical Projects

Initial Publication Date: November 3, 2005

The LITHOPROBE Experience: Active-source Seismology and Other Earth Science -- An Essential Combination for Understanding Tectonic Evolution

thumbnail image of a slide from the presentation: The LITHOPROBE Experience
Ron Clowes, LITHOPROBE Canada
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 6.6MB Nov2 05)

LA RISTRA: Lithospheric and upper mantle structure of the Rio Grande Rift

Rick Aster, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Jim Ni, Dave Wilson, Wei Gao, Steve Grand, W. Scott Baldridge, Steve Semken and Michael West

Rick Aster, New Mexico Tech

Report from the Great Break Workshop

tumbnail image of Report from the Great Break Workshop
Glenn Biasi, University of Nevada - Reno
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 2.2MB Oct24 05)

USARRAY and the Great Plains: Workshop Results and the Rocky Mountain Connection

thumbnail image of USARRAY and the Great Plains Workshop Results
Mary Hubbard, Kansas State University
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 3.8MB Oct24 05)

Southern Rocky Mountain Overview, report from EarthScope National Meeting, and "super experiment"

thumbnail image of Southern Rocky Mountain Overview, report from EarthScope National Meeting
Karl Karlstrom, University of New Mexico
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 5.7MB Oct24 05)