Session I
Interpreting Earth in Space and Time

Initial Publication Date: November 3, 2005

EarthScope workshop for the Northern Rocky Mountains: Regional overview and theme

David A. Foster and Paul A. Mueller, University of Florida
David W. Mogk, Montana State University
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 3.8MB Oct24 05)

USArray, Passive Source Seismology

Ray Russo, University of Florida
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 3.4MB Oct24 05)

The role of active-source seismology in EarthScope

Gary S. Fuis, US Geological Survey
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 4MB Nov2 05)

PBO Geodetic Instrumentation - GPS Principles, Data Access, and Applications

Title slide from the presentation: PBO Geodetic Instrumentation - GPS Principles, Data Access, and Applications
Charles Meertens, Freddy Blume, David Phillips, Mike Jackson, and Greg Anderson, UNAVCO
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 7.7MB Nov2 05)

Cyberinfrastructure and EarthScope science goals: A GEON perspective

Krishna Sinha, Virginia Tech
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 4.6MB Oct24 05)

Earthscope education and outreach: Local needs and national treasures

John DeLaughter, EarthScope
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 3.8MB Oct24 05)

Integrating isotopic and geochemical tracers, petrology and geochronology into earthscope research: Examples from the Wyoming Province

Carol D. Frost, Kevin R. Chamberlain, and B. Ronald Frost, University of Wyoming
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 1.5MB Nov2 05)

Insights into the deep continental lithosphere from xenolith studies

Roberta L. Rudnick, University of Maryland
download PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 1.7MB Oct24 05)