Programming for K-12 Educators at the Rendezvous
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous offers a great opportunity to connect with K-12 colleagues and interact with other Earth educators. Learn more about sessions that include K-12 teachers as part of their intended audience. Check out programming for K-12 educators.
Featured events for K-12 educators Register for the Rendezvous
Featured Multi-day Workshops
The multi-day morning workshop program is open for registration on a first-come, first-serve basis (workshop size is limited based on room capacity).
- Bringing visual groundwater teaching tools and field experiences into K-12 teaching
Develop a deeper understanding of the importance of groundwater as a critical water resource and integrate groundwater-related materials into your existing curricula. This workshop includes hands-on activities with visual groundwater teaching tools and a field trip to groundwater research and teaching site on the UMN campus. - Accessible and Equitable: Using Universal Design for Learning in Earth Science Learning Spaces
This workshop will provide examples of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Inclusive Design for Learning (IDL) in formal and informal learning spaces, including the K-12 classroom, university classroom, professional organization content and venues, and field experiences.
- Perception Science + Real-World Data + Data Visualization = Enhancing Students' Data Analysis & Interpretation
Participants in this workshop will explore how utilizing online data portals' quick graph features for initial data exploration can help break down the black box of data for students, and how to leverage these features more effectively in students' Exploratory Data Analysis. - Teaching atmosphere, ocean, and planetary fluid dynamic fundamentals vividly with rotating tanks
The dynamics of weather, oceanographic, and climate processes are often difficult for students (and teachers!) to conceptualize. In this workshop, participants will gain hands-on knowledge using simple rotating tank experiments to create vivid, lively, small scale models of these geophysical fluid systems.
Explore More Programming for K-12 Educators
Customize your program at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous! Explore the full program or view a list of featured events that may be of interest to K-12 educators. Don't miss out--register by May 3 to get the best rates.
Featured events for K-12 educators See the program at-a-glance Register for the Rendezvous
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Check out the Rendezvous website and Participant Info for more details. We hope to see you there!