Building Earth and Space Science Community Capacity for the Next Generation Science Standards

Monday 3:15pm Weeks Geo: AB20
Oral Presentation


Susan Sullivan, University of Colorado at Boulder
Aida Awad, Maine East High School
Edward Robeck, American Geosciences Institute
The Next Generation Science Standards offer an opportunity to teach Earth and space science in ways that are closer to how scientists practice, and more relevant to students and to societal issues. However, the level of scientific community involvement required to capitalize on this opportunity is high. Building on the relationships and results of the Summit Meeting on the Implementation of the NGSS at the State Level, this presentation proposes a set of mechanisms by which the NGSS Earth and space science community can support NGSS implementation at the national, state and local levels. Based on work with summit attendees, classroom teachers, informal educators and undergraduate faculty, this presentation describes opportunities to build a network of practitioners with shared communication, approaches and resources.

Presentation Media

NGSS ESS Sullivan 071716 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.7MB Jul17 16)