A Walk in the Park: Earth Science Service-Learning

Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm Red Gym
Poster Session


Eric Taylor, Kent State University-Main Campus
In an effort to increase experiential learning at KSU at Stark in the Department of Geology, I redesigned Environmental Earth Science as a service-learning course in conjunction with Stark Parks. My curriculum includes: (1) outdoor learning activities and projects at one or more parks in Stark county, and (2) online instruction through web-streamable videos via Panopto. Traditional face-to-face instruction is included when weather prevents outdoor experiences. I have packaged topics relevant to the features observed at the parks into learning modules that have both in-field and online components. Modules include weathering and erosion, geosphere-biosphere interactions, soil horizons, geology of Ohio, etc. Students in the course fulfill their service by completing a park brochure on a module of their choice for potential distribution on site to the general public.