
Jump down to Fall Session Agendas | Participant Folder Contents | Action Plan Files

Spring Sessions:

28 April

Files we will be using today:

12:00-4:00 pm ET / 11:00-3:00 CT / 10:00-2:00 MT / 9:00-1:00 PT

12:00 ET Session 1.1 Workshop Welcome and Introduction

12:55 ET Break

1:00 ET Session 1.2 Action plan: Strategies for one or more goals

2:00 ET Break

2:15 ET Session 1.3 Strategies to enhance 2YC-disciplinary society engagement

3:30 ET Session 1.4 Closing plenary, reflection and next steps

5 May

Files we will be using today:

12:00-4:00 pm ET / 11:00-3:00 CT / 10:00-2:00 MT / 9:00-1:00 PT

12:00 ET Workshop Welcome, Roadcheck Results, Goals, Overview

 Session 2.1 Action plan resources, start work on timeline

  • Work in disciplinary groups: Slides for Action Plan Session (Session 2.1) -- from here, choose your discipline, then choose the first file in the folder, which should be an Action Plan Google Slide. Participants will be able to move themselves to their disciplinary break out room.

12:55 ET Break (5 minutes)

1:00 ET Session 2.2 Getting feedback from others in your discipline

  • Work in disciplinary groups: Slides for Action Plan Session (Session 2.2) -- from here, choose your discipline, then choose the third file in the folder, which should be a Google Slide labeled Session 2.2 Getting Feedback... Participants will be able to move themselves to their disciplinary break out room.
  • Small group (3 people) of randomly assigned participants: share one highlight from your plan, 3 minutes per person. We will randomly assign participants to groups

2:00 ET Break (15 minutes)

2:15 ET Session 2.3 Cross-disciplinary working groups 

2:50 ET Break (5 minutes)

2:55 ET Session 2.4 Finalize action plan, timeline, & summer work

  • Participants work in disciplinary break out groups. Participants will be able to move themselves to their disciplinary break out room.
    • Revise draft action plan
    • Finalize the timeline for your draft action plan 
      • Who will do what and when?
      • How might you measure your progress/success?
      • How will you arrange for summer check-ins and updating of action plan for presentation on Day 3 in the fall?
    • Please consider what feedback you want on your draft action plan and put in the team's action plan google slide

3:30 ET Session 2.5 Closing plenary, next steps, roadcheck

  • Reflection
    • What are you most excited about doing relative to your plan?  
    • Think on your own
    • Share (in 3-person random breakouts) (9-10 minutes)
    • Report (in chat) 
  • Next steps
  • Workshop Roadcheck - Please complete ASAP after today's workshop sessions, and by May 10
  • Workshop email list consent/opt out - Please complete ASAP, and by May 10

Fall Sessions:

29 September

12:00-4:00 pm Eastern / 11:00-3:00 Central / 10:00-2:00 Mountain / 9:00-1:00 Pacific

Pre-Meeting Assignments:

Files we will be using today:

Opening plenary: Welcome, overview of day (12:00-12:15ET / 11:00-11:15 CT / 10:00-10:15 MT / 9:00-9:15 PT)

  • Welcome
  • Random breakouts - Think about ONE of the following questions related to your action plan: (1) What is one thing you are excited about? OR (2) What is one piece of valuable feedback you received this summer (from disciplinary community or this workshop)?
  • Instructions for action plan presentations

Discipline-specific action plan lightning talks and poster sessions (12:15-1:15 ET / 11:15-12:15 CT / 10:15-11:15 MT / 9:15-10:15 PT)

  • 90 second presentations, then breakouts (while at least one team member stays in their discipline's room to field questions and get feedback)
    • Session 1 (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 646kB Oct25 23): groups 1-6
    • Session 2 (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 646kB Oct25 23) groups 7-11

Break (1:15-1:30 ET)

NSF Funding Opportunities Presentations and Breakout Sessions (1:30-3:20 ET / 12:30-2:20 CT / 11:30-1:20 MT / 10:30-12:20 PT) 

Break (3:20-3:30 ET)

Closing session, with disciplinary breakouts, next steps, daily roadcheck (3:30-4:00 ET / 2:30-3:00 CT / 1:30-2:00 MT / 12:30-1:00 PT)

  • Think and react to the following question:
    • What is one thing that inspired you from any of the earlier sessions today and gave you an idea regarding your action plan or a proposal?
  • Share one thing in disciplinary breakouts - round-the-room in 1 minute or less to get ideas from everyone on the table, then discuss
  • Ideas for cross-disciplinary groups (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 36kB Oct25 23) (use sticky notes to add ideas by Oct 6)
  • Daily Roadcheck

6 October

12:00-4:00 pm Eastern / 11:00-3:00 Central / 10:00-2:00 Mountain / 9:00-1:00 Pacific

Pre-Meeting Assignments:

  • Scan the resources for the disciplinary projects. After micro-presentations, there will be three breakout sessions and you'll select which three you'd like to go to. Coordinate with your team if you'd like.  
    • Learn about the programs that will be featured in the micro-presentations in these short descriptions (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 108kB Oct25 23) and explore the slides (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 1.3MB Oct25 23), organized by discipline.
  • (Optional) Suggest a cross-disciplinary topic (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 36kB Oct25 23) to work on as a cross-disciplinary group.

Files we will be using today:

Introduction to the day, Opening Plenary, Micro-presentations, and Breakout Groups (12:00-1:00 ET / 11-12 CT / 10-11 MT / 9-10 PT)

  • Opening plenary
  • Micro-presentations by discipline of programs funded by disciplinary societies or other resources including NSF followed by Q&A breakouts. Learn more about these programs in this descriptive table (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 108kB Oct25 23).
  • Micro-presentations by disciplines (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 1.3MB Oct25 23), followed by Q&A breakouts

 Break (1:00-1:10 ET)

Disciplinary groups: Insights, action plans and proposal ideas (1:10-2:15 ET / 12:10-1:15 CT / 11:10-12:15 MT / 10:10-11:15 PT)

  •  Insights: What is one thing from a previous session that has inspired you and given you an idea regarding your action plan or a proposal?
  • Generate a list of ideas for your action plan and/or potential proposals - 4.2-Disciplinary breakout notes (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) PRIVATE FILE 74kB Oct26 23)
  • Make plans for next steps

 Break (2:15-2:30 ET)

Cross-disciplinary break out groups (2:30-3:15 ET / 1:30-2:15 CT / 12:30-1:15 MT / 11:30-12:15 PT)

  • Cross-disciplinary topics slide (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 36kB Oct25 23)
  • This session is an opportunity to share ideas and consider how to move forward.

Closing plenary - Reflections, keeping the momentum going, end-of-workshop evaluation(3:15-4:00 ET / 2:15-3:00 CT / 1:15-2:00 MT / 12:15-1:00 PT)

Participant Folder Contents

These are also embedded in the program above. List of all files in the participant folder, including a link to download directly as well as to visit the file online. Please do not share folder contents outside of the workshop participants unless you have permission to do so.

Disciplinary Group Action Plan Files

These .zip files include your action plan worksheet, feedback, and summer slides from the spring and summer.