
July 7-9, 2020
The Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences Network (CUREnet) runs CURE Institutes to assist participants in learning about and using evidence-based instructional strategies to develop plans, instructional materials, and assessment tools for integrating a science research project into their science laboratory course. CUREnet grew out of the life sciences, but participants from other natural sciences and the social sciences are welcomed.
The institutes are facilitated by Dr. Erin Dolan (University of Georgia), who is principal investigator of CUREnet2, the next phase of development of a national network of people and programs creating, teaching, and assessing CUREs.
Institute Goals
The overarching goal of the CURE Institutes is to build faculty capacity to design and implement CUREs in the natural and social sciences. All Institute sessions are designed based on research on learning in general and undergraduate research experiences in particular, will make use of active learning and equitable teaching strategies, interspersed with time for participants to apply what they are learning to design their CUREs and get feedback on their design.
What are the participants expected to do:
- BEFORE: Create an account on the SERCkit website. See the Participant Checklist for instructions.
- DURING: Actively participate in all sessions, draft a CURE project entry on the CUREnet site (each session will include time to do this), and complete a brief end-of-Institute evaluation form
- AFTER: Teach their CURE and complete their CURE project entry on the CUREnet site within one year of completing the Institute
All Institute participants will receive a certificate of acknowledgment.
There are no fees charged for participating in CURE Institutes.
For More Information
For more information, please contact Erin Dolan (eldolan@uga.edu).

BCEENET supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1920385. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.