Carleton Summer 2008 Research

In summer 2008, fifty three students did research with Carleton faculty in six science and math departments. Our HHMI grant supported twenty (20) of these students who were mentored by 17 Carleton faculty. Another 33 students were supported by Carleton College and external sources (private foundations and government agencies including NSF and NIH).

Research Funded by HHMI (20 students)

Stephan Zweifel
Joe Chihade
Deborah Gross
Dani Kohen

li>Physics and Astronomy: Prof. Melissa Eblen-Zayas Exploration of possible charge density wave in rare earth diantimonides (1 student)

  • Physics and Astronomy: Prof. Arjendu Pattanayak Understanding the Quantum-Classical Transition for Open Non-linear Systems (1 student)
  • Physics and Astronomy: Prof. Joel Weisberg Pulsar Research (1 student)
  • Psychology: Prof. Julie Neiworth (1 student)

Cindy Blaha
Arjendu Pattanayak
Nelson Christensen
Melissa Eblen-Zayas
Julie Neiworth

Research Funded by Other Sources (33 students)

Susan Singer
Cam Davidson
Dave Musicant