2010 All Science & Math Poster Session:
Poster Upload Form
Co-sponsored by the Carleton Chapter of Sigma Xi (opens in a new window) and Carleton's Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant (opens in a new window).
Thank you for taking part in the 2010 All Science & Math Poster Session at Carleton College on Oct. 22!
Please upload your poster using this form so that we can keep an archive of the great presentations that were a part of this year's session for HHMI grant reporting purposes. In addition, we hope to make these posters public and available to the Carleton community through a password-protected web or COLLAB site.
We also would like to make some of the posters fully public online, with permission of faculty research advisors. Though we much prefer submission of posters in pdf form to ease the creation and uniformity of these collection of student work, we provide some flexibility to research faculty who do not wish their students to submit electronic posters. Please consider submission of poster abstracts and one or more images if you will not be submitting a full posters.
CISMI will handle seeking permission from faculty PI's who have proprietary or other concerns going public, for submission to: the pass-word protected community collection, or a fully public web site.