Chronos Workshop: Developing Web-based Activities for Teaching Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Geology

June 13-15, 2006
Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Application Closed

Registration of Confirmed Applicants: Deadline May 25

Workshop Goals

Lay the groundwork for the development of complete, free-standing teaching and learning activities on stratigraphy and sedimentary geology that utilize data, tools, and other resources from the CHRONOS project.


This workshop will bring together faculty who are currently using data and/or tools accessible from the CHRONOS portal or who have ideas on how these data and tools can be used in undergraduate teaching. Participants will help develop materials for an on-line teaching collection (e.g. homework, in-class activities, demonstrations etc) that will be accessible through the CHRONOS, SERC, and DLESE web sites.

CHRONOS provides access to stratigraphic data stored in multiple federated databases including paleobiological, geochemical, geochronological, and lithological data. You can learn more about CHRONOS data and tools at their website.

SERC provides access to a variety of resources supporting faculty in their work as teachers. You can learn more about SERC and search collections of teaching activities like those that will be developed at the workshop on the SERC website. For examples of teaching activities using geoscience data visit the SERC/DLESE portal on Using Data in the Classroom.

DLESE provides access to resources that support teaching and learning about the Earth.

Workshop Organizers

Cinzia Cervato, Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University; Executive Director, CHRONOS
Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

This workshop is funded by National Science Foundation grants to CHRONOS and to SERC for the creation of DLESE Community Services. Travel and lodging expenses for the participants will be covered by the CHRONOS grant.

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