Activity Collection
Bioregion Discipline Show all
Environmental Studies
36 matchesBioregion Scale
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary Show all
- Case Studies 9 matches
- Civic Engagement & Service Learning 16 matches
- Reflective & Contemplative Practice 22 matches
Promising Pedagogies
2 matches General/OtherResults 11 - 20 of 36 matches
Using Case Studies, Mind mapping, and Social Media to Explore Climate Justice and Build Science Communication Skills
Woody Moses, Highline Community College
Students engage in a mind mapping activity about climate gentrification in Miami to learn about climate justice as well as how the climate systems and human systems interact with each other. Students then identify their own climate justice issue and complete an annotated bibliography of climate justice case studies related to that issue to prepare a post for Instagram. The activity ends with a final case study about the Lummi nation, who were able to effect change through a lawsuit against coal trains.
Bioregion Scale: Global, Local Community/Watershed, Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Case Studies, Cycles & Systems, Social & Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, Climate Change
Afghan Poppies, Climate Change and US Heroin: Thinking Systemically About Us and Them
Karen Litfin, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
This very simple contemplative exercise is rooted in my "Person/Planet Politics" approach, which invites students to into an experiential relationship with a global socioecological phenomenon: in this instance, Afghan poppy production. It can be adapted to a range of courses and a range of topics within those courses. The basic question is: "Who am I in relation to this?"
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed, Regional, Global, National/Continental
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Ecosystem Health, Promising Pedagogies:Case Studies, Reflective & Contemplative Practice, Lifestyles & Consumption, Human Health & Wellbeing, Human Impact & Footprint, Social & Environmental Justice, Climate Change, Ethics & Values, Food Systems & Agriculture, Cycles & Systems
Migration: An Empathy Exercise
Maureen Ryan, Western Washington University
Migration: An Empathy Exercise is a multi-step reflective exercise designed to build empathy and personal insight into processes of loss, change, and reconnection associated with the disruption of personal and cultural connections to landscape.
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice, Sense of Place
Using Reflection Activities in the Field to Deepen Student Learning
Holly Hughes, Edmonds Community College
This activity offers one of the reflection activities we developed in our learning community "Exploring Natural History in Word and Field." In this class, the students learn about natural history by reading natural history essays and participating in field trips. In this activity, we use reflection before and during a field trip to an Old Growth Forest to help our students clarify their own stance for a Position Paper on whether and under what conditions logging should be allowed in Old Growth Forests.
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice, Human Impact & Footprint, Sense of Place, Social & Environmental Justice, Ecosystem Health
What is the West?
Maureen Ryan, Western Washington University
What is the West? is a written reflective exercise, with associated readings and discussion, designed to 1) build insight into how personal experiences shape our perception of landscapes, 2) enhance knowledge of the geography and ecology of the American West, and 3) illuminate the role of water (or lack of water) in the natural and cultural history of the American West.
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Cultures & Religions, Sense of Place, Promising Pedagogies:Reflective & Contemplative Practice
Courting Environmental Justice: Science, Community Knowledge and Public Health
Lin Nelson, The Evergreen State College
While this module was developed when we followed the federal criminal case around WR Grace and asbestos exposure in a small Montana mining town, it can be adapted for a range of learning experiences regarding environmental justice, argumentation, strategizing, remediation and sustainability.
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Pollution & Waste, Human Health & Wellbeing, Promising Pedagogies, Case Studies, Social & Environmental Justice
Water and Civic Responsibility: An Online Discussion Exercise
Rob Viens, Bellevue Community College
Students apply their science learning to regional issues related to water quantity and quality.
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Pollution & Waste, Design & Planning, Water & Watersheds
Engaging Campus Conversations about Climate Action
Nicky Phear, The University of Montana-Missoula
Campus Climate Conversations are designed to be both educational and "deliberative," meaning students, staff, and faculty interact with one another in small groups to share views and ideas about climate action strategies. This activity is structured to enhance education and engagement, and to generate collaborative climate action strategies.
Bioregion Scale: Campus
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Climate Change, Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Sustainability Concepts & Practices
Mapping Stormwater Runoff Infrastructure for the City of Bothell
Robert Turner, University of Washington-Bothell Campus
Term-long course activity for student groups to map the flow of stormwater runoff on newly developed or altered properties in and for the City of Bothell.
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Pollution & Waste, Design & Planning, Water & Watersheds, Cycles & Systems
Human Rights and the Environment
Tom Kerns, North Seattle Community College
Selecting one environmental situation students will learn about some basic human rights norms and then analyze that environmental situation in terms of those human rights norms.
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Case Studies, Civil Society & Governance, Social & Environmental Justice, Cultures & Religions, Ethics & Values, Ecosystem Health