Contribute an Essay

Contributing an Essay to the Curriculum for the Bioregion Curriculum Collection

The Curriculum for the Bioregion curriculum collection features a collection of teaching-and-learning activities and descriptions of courses that engage students in sustainability studies and/or bioregional learning in the Puget Sound lowlands and/or the Columbia Plateau of Washington State. We also welcome essays on sustainability education, especially with an emphasis on placed-based and bioregional teaching and learning.

The information you provide below in this "Contribute an Essay" template will enable you to create a web page that introduces your essay and then provides it as an attachment. To see what this will look like, read an example: "Why Sustainability Education Needs Pedagogies of Reflection and Contemplation" (This example opens in a new window.) For now, your submission will become a private web page (viewable only by you, Curriculum for the Bioregion staff, and a small editorial board) that you can continue to revisit to edit or improve. If you and the Curriculum for the Bioregion Initiative staff agree that this essay should be featured in the Curriculum for the Bioregion Initiative collection, your submission will become a public web page in the collection.

If, before you get started, you have questions about whether your essay is appropriate to contribute, please communicate with Jean MacGregor.

To create the web page about your essay,

  1. Complete as much of the form as you are able to. Please note that you must, at the very least, enter your name, email address, and course title on this form.

  2. After you press the submit button at the bottom of the page, you will be given two further instructions:
    1. to create a SERC account if you do not already have one and
    2. to transfer the information provided on the form to a web page, which you may then edit. In order to do this, you must enter at least your name, email address, and course title on this form.

Copyright: You retain all rights to your contributed work and are responsible for referencing other people's work and for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material within your contribution. By contributing your work to this website, you give the Curriculum for Bioregion project a license for non-commercial distribution of the material, provided that we attribute the material to you. View our license policy for more details about this kind of Creative Commons license.

Thank you in advance for making this contribution!


Name and institution of author(s) of the essay and any other appropriate attribution information. If the page is based on materials originally created elsewhere that should be noted with attribution given to the original authors and links provided to the original materials.

For example: This page authored by Jon Smith, Big State University, based on an original work by Jane Smith, Smallville College.


Email addresses of the essay author(s) separated by commas. These will not be displayed in the essay page but are used for internal tracking. Include only the authors who are directly involved in submitting/authoring this particular essay.

Brief Overview or Abstract

Please provide a paragraph describing your purposes for this writing.

If you have more than 5 files include the first 5 here. After completing this form you will have the opportunity to edit the resulting web page and be able to upload additional files at that point.

Short Description

(Optional at this point) The short description should be a distillation of the "Brief Overview" above. This description will be displayed in search returns if your essay were to go into the Curriculum for the Bioregion Initiative public collection. The optimal length for this description is on the order of 1-2 sentences.

Search Terms

Use the check boxes below to tag your essay with relevant search terms. We realize that your essay may not be discipline-specific. It may focus on several scales, and it may address many different sustainability topics. You may check more than one term in each category if multiple terms apply, and you may just ignore this if tagging your essay with search terms does not seem applicable.

Note: If you choose one of the following types of pedagogies, please do NOT check the "Promising Pedagogies" box above.

After hitting the "Submit" button below,

please follow the directions on the next page that ask you to do these two additional steps:
  1. create a SERC account (if you do not already have one) AND
  2. transfer this information to a web page that you can then edit.

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