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Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving Project for the Science Classroom
Liliana Caughman
Students are assigned unique roles and work independently to solve a complex problem from the perspective of their role (i.e. sociologist, educator, historian, etc.) Students then work collaboratively to present their findings and action plan to the "tribal council".

Bioregion Discipline: Anthropology, Oceanography/Marine Studies, Sociology, Political Science/Policy, Environmental Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Communication, Geography, Geoscience, Prof/Tech Field, English
Bioregion Scale: Campus, Local Community/Watershed
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Food Systems & Agriculture, Natural Resources, Lifestyles & Consumption, Human Impact & Footprint, Pollution & Waste, Promising Pedagogies:Case Studies, Social & Environmental Justice, Sustainability Concepts & Practices, Sense of Place, Civil Society & Governance, Ethics & Values, Ecosystem Health

Afghan Poppies, Climate Change and US Heroin: Thinking Systemically About Us and Them
Karen Litfin, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
This very simple contemplative exercise is rooted in my "Person/Planet Politics" approach, which invites students to into an experiential relationship with a global socioecological phenomenon: in this instance, Afghan poppy production. It can be adapted to a range of courses and a range of topics within those courses. The basic question is: "Who am I in relation to this?"

Bioregion Discipline: Sociology, Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Political Science/Policy, Economics
Bioregion Scale: Local Community/Watershed, Regional, Global, National/Continental
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Ecosystem Health, Promising Pedagogies:Case Studies, Reflective & Contemplative Practice, Lifestyles & Consumption, Human Health & Wellbeing, Human Impact & Footprint, Social & Environmental Justice, Climate Change, Ethics & Values, Food Systems & Agriculture, Cycles & Systems

Cascade Citizens Wildlife Monitoring Project
Thomas W. Murphy, Edmonds Community College
This multi-term assignment introduces students to local indigenous stories, significant plants and animals of our region and some basic skills in reading animal tracks and signs.

Bioregion Discipline: Biology, Environmental Studies, Anthropology
Bioregion Scale: Regional
Bioregion Topical Vocabulary: Promising Pedagogies:Civic Engagement & Service Learning, Social & Environmental Justice, Ecosystem Health