Waste Audit
We conducted 2 waste audits, one voluntary and one to be turned in to share with the class. This captures different incentives involved with current ESG disclosure (voluntary) and the SEC's proposed mandatory rule. Students wrote 1 paragraph on how their perception changed. We used the information to learn PivotTables in Excel and to evaluate what makes disclosed information useful. We shared answers via an in-class anonymous poll.
Learning Goals
This fit very easily into a discussion of what qualities make accounting information/disclosures useful to outside stakeholders. It was useful to consider analysis in an accounting context, find value in some Excel tools, and consider (critical thinking) how firms' motivations might be shaped by the disclosure regulatory enviornment.
Context for Use
This activity is a follow-on to the Wicked Problem of an Equitable Zero-Waste Circular Economy module.
This was run in each of 4 sections of ~30 college freshmen and sophomores. It took about 20-30 minutes of class time. Students didn't need any special skills, but this was useful for showing them PivotTables.
Description and Teaching Materials
Teaching Notes and Tips
References and Resources
This is a brief overview of the SEC's proposed rule: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/solutions/getting-ready-for-the-sec-climate-disclosure-rule?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ESG_Risk_Search&utm_term=sec%20esg%20proposal&utm_content=654053077651&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyLGjBhDKARIsAFRNgW9fap-4BlJ6AQNdw-46TPC6YIg8TBFZFzw0ZVGQth_N6nO_NTS7zFQaAs8iEALw_wcB