STEM DBER Resources

NSEC provided a sub-award from the NSF project (#1524832) as a Research Action Cluster to build a cross-DBER community of scholars. In partnership with AAAS and with funding from the Helmsley Trust, we held a meeting of discipline-based education researchers (DBER) in November 2016. Our second meeting was hosted by HHMI in May 2017 with support from NSF (#1524832). Our third meeting was at the Transforming Research in Undergraduate STEM Education (TRUSE) Conference in July 2017 (#1551038).
From these meetings, emerged a vision for a cross-disciplinary STEM DBER community that will advance and disseminate knowledge and theory that promote learning and success for all students across STEM fields. This community will address complex, cross-cutting research questions that can best be understood and addressed with theories that transcend disciplines. You can read more about the STEM DBER Alliance here.
We asked the DBER community to share resources from within their discipline that may be of interest to education researchers outside of their discipline. These are organized by discipline. This listing is meant to provide a quick entry into the education research resources of each discipline but is not meant to be exhaustive.