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Reflecting on Reflection  

The Lifestyle Project - with an example of reflective writing. This link describes the journals

overall project description:


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I always find it interesting that most reflection is expected to be written. My Faculty Evaluation Committee requires written narrative reflection of course and teaching analysis.
How do I get my internal ruminations recorded? I really don't like to write, would rather discuss or doodle my color coded ideas. I mull things over in the shower (a long hot one with apologies to Karin) or in random places then change what I think needs to change rather than writing about how I will change a syllabus for example.
I have taken to collecting massive numbers of artifacts (flyers from events I attend or particpate in for example). Those then trigger memories when I write my annual report.


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How about keeping a tape recorder. There's even software that you can train to help you transcribe your musings. I haven't done it yet, but I'm thinking about it. I have the software and the machine, but... the sound of my voice deletes all of my thoughts.


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