Hawaiian Islands: Erosion and Giant Landslides
Initial Publication Date: November 27, 2012
High-resolution elevation data on land and in the ocean is used to examine the effects of erosion on the Hawaiian Islands. The remains of remarkable offshore giant landslides are also studied, and consistency with a hotspot model of formation for the islands is shown.
Hawaii Erosion and Landslides: Annotated Teacher Edition (Microsoft Word 1.9MB Dec2 11)
Hawaii Erosion and Landslides: Student Handout (Microsoft Word 1.2MB Dec2 11)
Hawaii Erosion and Landslides: Student Answer Sheet (Microsoft Word 864kB Dec2 11)
Hawaii Erosion and Landslides: Learning Standards (Microsoft Word 89kB Mar22 12)
Hawaii Erosion and Landslides: Quiz 1 (Acrobat (PDF) 628kB Mar22 12)
Hawaii Erosion and Landslides: Quiz 2 (Acrobat (PDF) 395kB Mar22 12)