Initial Publication Date: October 7, 2011

What are GeoMapApp Learning Activities?

GeoMapApp Learning Activities are web-based, high-impact, ready-to-use learning modules. They are aimed at the K-12, community college and introductory university level. Each learning activity provides hands-on participation that allows students to enhance their learning experience through the exploration of geoscience data in a map-based setting. They range from short in-class activities to multi-class modules covering broader content.

GeoMapApp Learning Activities are tied to ESLI and NYS STEM and PS:ES standards and have a standard format:

  • Title, summary, intended learning outcomes
  • Prep time, grade level, required prior knowledge
  • ESLI and NYS standards and NY Regents questions
  • Step-by-step guide and teacher tips
  • Student instructions and "grading-friendly" answer sheet
  • Pre- and post- student quizzes
  • Ideas for further knowledge gain

See the full collection of GeoMapApp Learning Activities.