GeoMapApp Learning Activities: Using Geoscience Data in the Classroom

GeoMapApp Learning Activities are ready-to-use data-driven geoscience learning modules aimed at the K-12, Community College and Introductory university levels. They cover a number of geoscience concepts and inquiry-based learning requirements contained in the New York State PS:ES (Physical Science:Earth Science) core curriculum.

GeoMapApp Learning Activities allow educators and students to use exciting cutting-edge robust technology to access, explore, critically evaluate and visualise relevant scientific data from a standards-based educational context. GeoMapApp is a free web-based data discovery and exploration tool that incorporates hundreds of built-in geoscience data sets. Read more about GeoMapApp here .

This work is funded by the National Science Foundation, grant number GeoEd 1035036. For more information on the project, look here.

Learning Activities


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